Chapter 5

October 18, 2002

As the Jacks family was gathered around the breakfast table, the telephone on the sideboard rang. Jax slammed his newspaper down on the table as Louise came out of the kitchen to answer it.

"DON’T ANSWER IT!" Jax shouted, and Jo looked up at him in surprise. As Jaz’s lower lip began to tremble, Brenda took him out of the high chair to comfort him. Everyone froze in place, including Louise, at this unusual outburst of temper from the master of the house.

Since Brenda and Jax’s anniversary party had been on a Friday night, there hadn’t been extensive press coverage of his candidacy immediately. There had been an article on the front page of the Port Charles Herald in the weekend edition, including a picture of a triumphant Mr. and Mrs. Jacks waving to the happy crowd. The phone had rung intermittently over the weekend, but since about 5:30 AM this Monday morning, it had rung non-stop, rousing the entire family.

Jax put his head in his hands. "I’m sorry, everyone," he said in a soft voice. He nodded to Louise. "Please go ahead and answer it – you know what to tell them." She went to the phone, which had continued to ring.

"Jacks residence," she answered in an even tone, and Jo began to smile at her father again. Jaz was still a little troubled by his father’s shout, and Jax let out a long sigh and came over to take him from Brenda as Louise continued to speak into the phone. "No, there’s no comment other than what you were already told. Mr. Jacks is pleased to be running for the seat, but he has no plans for a press conference at this time." She nodded once more into the phone, and then hung up.

As Jax sat back down with his son in his lap, Louise stopped by his chair. "Do you want me to unplug the phone in here while you all are having breakfast, Mr. Jacks?"

"Thank you, Louise," Jax answered, taking his orange juice glass out of harm’s way right as Jaz was reaching for it. "That might be nice." As she unplugged the phone, Jo looked at her curiously.

"Why does everyone want to talk to you today, daddy?" she asked innocently. "Do they just want to tell you and mommy happy versary like everyone did at the party the other night?"

Jax smiled at his daughter. "No, sweetheart. They want to talk to me about something else I said at the party."

"What did you say, daddy?" she continued to ask, spooning up her yogurt. Brenda smiled at Jax. They had discussed this subject occasionally that weekend, since they both realized that the entire family was in for intense scrutiny from the press. It would be especially hard for Jo to understand. Jax took a deep breath before speaking.

"Well, munchkin, daddy told the people that he was going to try to get a very special new job," he answered, grabbing a yogurt spoon out of Jaz’s hand just as he was about to slap it against Jax’s cheek.

"You mean you’re not going to work with Grandpa J and Uncle Jerry anymore?" she asked, her face falling.

"Oh, no, darling," Brenda quickly reassured her. "Daddy is still going to be working in the big building downtown with Grandpa and Uncle Jerry and Angie and V. He just told everyone that he’s going to try to do another job, too. But this is such a special job that he can’t do it unless everyone votes for him and says that they WANT him to do the job."

Jo nodded seriously. "And is everybody going to vote for daddy to do the job?"

"We hope so, munchkin," Jax responded. He was momentarily distracted when Jaz grabbed Jax’s spoon out of his yogurt again. "OK, you little thief," Jax said with determination. "Let’s see how you like tangerine chiffon yogurt." He deftly deflected the spoon that was headed for his nostril and turned it back into Jaz’s mouth. The baby sat in astonishment for a moment, but then gurgled, screwed up his face as though he had drunk grapefruit juice, and shook all over.

Brenda started to giggle. "I don’t think he likes it, honey."

Jo looked at him with a straight face. "He’s really smart for a baby." Brenda had to cover her face with her napkin to stifle the laugh.

Jax was laughing too, in spite of himself. As he took the spoon out of Jaz’s hands, it seemed that possibly the baby might have learned his lesson. Jax took his napkin and wiped the residue from around Jaz’s mouth. "Here you go, sport. You don’t have to endure any more of that nasty-tasting stuff."

"Hallelujah! You mean the lord and master has come to his senses and there’ll finally be Dunkin’ Donuts on this table at breakfast?" A voice was heard from the door to the dining room, and Jerry’s smiling face appeared, followed by Angie. He came to stand behind Jax and slapped him on the back. "Seems your namesake has more sense than you, little brother! I heard you loud and clear – No more yogurt for breakfast!"

To everyone’s amazement and delight, Jaz picked that moment to display one of his newest tricks. He clapped his hands together, apparently applauding his father’s decision. Jax looked daggers at his older brother, while Brenda, Jo, and Angie all laughed heartily.

"Miss Angie! Did you come to eat breakfast with me?" Jo asked excitedly. Brenda looked at her curiously while Jax gave Jerry the same look.

"My question exactly, big brother. To what do we owe this honor this morning?" Jax asked, wiping Jaz’s hands with a napkin.

"Can’t a man come see his own little brother and sweet niece and nephew in the morning without a major inquisition?" Jerry asked innocently. After stopping at the sideboard first to pour himself a cup of coffee and grab a bagel, he walked over to the chair next to Jax’s and sat down. Angie gave Brenda a knowing smile and came to stand behind Jo’s chair.

"Hey, Joey, why don’t you show me that new Rugrats tape your mommy bought you? Maybe we can watch it in your room?" Angie said diplomatically.

"Oooh, yeah…Mommy, can we?" Jo asked enthusiastically.

"Yes, you may, Jo," Brenda replied, and then she went and took Jaz from Jax. "But on your way, will you stop in the kitchen and tell Louise that she can bring me Jaz’s bottle now – I think he’s finished eating his breakfast."

"Sure, mommy," Jo answered, grabbing Angie by the hand and practically dragging her through the swinging door to the kitchen. Brenda returned to a seat nearer to Jax and Jerry.

"All right, Jerry," Jax said, pouring himself another cup of coffee. "Obviously you wanted the kids out of the room so you could talk. So what gives?"

"Is there something wrong with Bobbie or Lucas?" Brenda asked in a worried voice, bouncing Jaz on her knee.

"No, nothing at all," Jerry replied quickly. "The problem is downtown at the building – it’s swarming with reporters and news crews."

Jax buried his face in his hands. "Bloody hell, Lea didn’t tell me it would be this bad. What’s going to happen if I actually DO manage to get elected?"

Jerry took a drink of coffee. "Maybe it won’t be this bad, Jax. Maybe all hell’s breaking loose just because of the newness of the thing. Once they’ve got enough pictures of your ugly mug waving to the crowds, they’ll disappear." He looked at Jax seriously. "Or maybe it’s because you’re bucking organized crime by taking on the wife of Port Charles’ newest godfather."

Jax waved his hand. "I know, I know, Jerry," he said with a sigh. "But how could I let people down by not running? At least this way, they’ll have a choice – Carly won’t automatically get the seat by default."

"Look, we’ve been through all of this already," Brenda said, trying to reason with the brothers. "Why don’t we just focus on the problem for this morning – getting past the media – and worry about the rest of the campaign a day at a time?"

Jerry smiled at both Jax and Brenda. "She’s got a point, Jax. Which is why Angie and I are here this morning. We’re the rescue committee." At Jax’s quizzical look, he continued. "We’re going to provide a diversion so that you can get to the office this morning and get past the news crews without them mauling you."

Jax looked skeptical. "What KIND of diversion, Jerry?" Jo came back into the dining room with her brother’s bottle, and then disappeared out the door, calling for Angie to follow her. Jerry watched her and waited until she was out of earshot to answer Jax’s question.

"Nothing illegal, dear brother," Jerry responded. "We just thought that instead of you flying the copter to work this morning, I would fly it in your place and let all the news choppers follow me instead. There’s a bunch of the blighters camped out on the helipad down at the building, so they’ll just get a surprise when I pop out instead of you."

"But what about my car, Jer? If I drive to the office, won’t they recognize the Jag?" Jax asked.

Angie re-appeared in the dining room doorway and smiled. "Jo’s so involved with the Rugrats that she wasn’t interested in my company anymore." She turned to Jax. "But to answer your question, that’s where the other part of the diversion comes in, boss," she said with a satisfied look. "I brought my VW Golf. You can drive it to the office, and just park it in my space in the garage." She raised an eyebrow at him. "You DO know where the employee garage is, don’t you?"

He gave her a grim smile. "Yes, I do, Miss Smarty Pants." He took a thoughtful sip of coffee. "It just might work – at least for me to get to the office. Then I can sit down and make some plans on how to deal with all of this media circus."

"Probably calling a press conference would be a good start," Brenda offered as she gave Jaz his bottle. "Maybe if you answer all of their questions once, they’ll back off for a while." Jax nodded. "But there’s one more hitch," she added with a grimace. "I had promised Daddy that I would stop by the J&B International offices this morning. He’s having some problems on the automated funding for one account and I told him I would take a quick look at it." She sat the baby up to burp him. "I was kind of hoping to tag along with you when you went in this morning…"

Angie shrugged her shoulders. "Still no problem. You can go in with Jax in my car. I’ll ride in the helicopter with Jerry so it looks like you and Jax are both going in together this morning – which you WILL be." Her eyes narrowed as she looked at Jerry. "As long as you promise not to do any of those fancy loop-the-loops with the helicopter!"

Jax’s face paled. "Absolutely! No fancy flying this morning, brother dear! I haven’t had that new copter long enough to put in a claim for it on the insurance!" He glanced toward Angie and smiled. "And, of course, I don’t want you taking chances with the life of my absolutely irreplaceable assistant, here." He nodded to Angie, who smiled and returned the nod. "Speaking of which," Jax added, "with both of you here, who’s holding down the fort at the offices?"

"Well, since I came out here to do the flying, we sent V up to watch the phones at Angie’s desk," Jerry responded, helping himself to another bagel. At that moment, Jaz cut loose with a resounding and moist belch.

"My sentiments exactly, sport -- why didn’t you say so in the first place!" Jax shouted, grabbing the bagel out of Jerry’s hand. "You can eat that on the way in to the office. Let’s get down there before she sells the entire company to the Lithuanians!"


Jax peered around a corner as the elevator doors opened on the floor where his office was located. He then looked back into the elevator and motioned for Brenda to follow him. "Coast’s clear! It worked!"

Brenda let out a long breath as they exited the elevator. "Well, at least we made it this far. I didn’t realize that those reporters could be so persistent. Did you see that feeding frenzy up on the roof when Jerry was landing the chopper?"

Jax chuckled. "Yeah, but I really wish I could have been there to see their faces when he and Angie got out of the chopper." He let out a long sigh. "Why don’t you come back to my office after your meetings with Harlan are finished?" After giving her one long kiss, Jax headed for his own office and Brenda went in the opposite direction towards J&B International. Ever since the merger of J&J Jacks and Barrett Industries, Harlan Barrett had overseen the operations of new entity, and it had been as successful as Jax had hoped it would be.

When Jax rounded the corner in front of his office suite, he took a deep breath. There was a handful of reporters camped in front of Angie’s desk, which was currently occupied by a petite brunette. "I told you, I don’t know WHEN Mr. Jacks will be arriving! Why don’t you just go away and we’ll call you when he gets here this morning!"

Jax stepped forward. "I think he HAS arrived, gentlemen." He made his way through the reporters who were firing rapid questions at him, pretending that they weren’t there. "Good morning, V," he said pleasantly, although loudly to be heard over their shouted questions. "Anything critical happen this morning?"

V let out a sigh of relief to see Jax. "Mr. Jacks, I thought you would NEVER get here! I’m sorry about all of this." She gestured to the gathered reporters, and Jax was alarmed to see that their numbers seemed to be growing.

"It’s OK, V. Angie should be here soon to relieve you and you can go back to working for the quiet brother." He took his mail off the corner of her desk.

"Mr. Jacks, aren’t you going to give us a statement this morning?"

"Mr. Jacks, do you plan to hold a press conference soon?"

"Mr. Jacks, are you running for the seat just to spite your wife’s old boyfriend, Sonny Corinthos?"

Jax had been smiling until he heard the last question. He whirled around, and saw more reporters coming down the hallway towards them. "I have no comment for you at this time, gentlemen," he said with a scowl. Then he turned to V. "Come on, why don’t you come into my office with me and brief me on what’s been going on." As she rose from the desk to precede him into his office, flashbulbs started popping and more shouted questions filled the air.

V kept trying to talk to Jax, but the din was deafening. "Mr. Jacks, there was something else I needed to tell you," she shouted, but Jax just shook his head, not able to hear her. They went through the double doors to his office, and he closed them in relief.

"Well, that’s a little better. I can’t believe the nerve of those people. How do political candidates ever deal with all of this hoopla and manage to maintain normal lives?" he asked, walking to his desk. His head was down as he spoke because he was looking through his mail.

"They hire people like me." Jax’s head shot up at the sound of a feminine voice coming from the corner of his office that housed the bar. V wrung her hands in guilt.

"That’s the other thing that I was trying to tell you, Mr. Jacks. She insisted that you wouldn’t mind if I let her into your office to wait."

The woman at the bar came out of the shadows and walked slowly towards Jax. She was petite and very blonde. As she stepped into the light, Jax and V could both see the burgundy power suit she wore and the 3 inch stiletto heels. Her blonde hair was pulled back off her face, but fell in long waves down her back. She was shapely, and as she walked, her hips led the way. The jacket of her suit was tailored, but still failed to hide the fact that she was very well endowed. She smiled and spoke in a breathy voice. "I’m sure that Jasper will agree that you did the right thing, letting me in. Especially since he’s going to need me so much." She almost ate him alive with her eyes, which were large and heavy with shadow and liner.

V watched her in astonishment. Then, when she looked back at Jax, she was even more amazed to see that he was smiling broadly at the woman. "Of course you did the right thing. I’m never upset to be greeted in my office by the sight of a beautiful woman." The stranger walked straight up to Jax and placed her hands in his, standing up on tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "It’s good to see you again, Kimberly." He gave her cheek a kiss in return.

She smiled sexily at him and then used her right thumb to massage his cheek, wiping away the cherry red lipstick stain her kiss had left. "It’s good to see you again too, Jasper. You look fantastic."

V just kept staring from one to the other, her mouth hanging open. At that point, Jerry and Angie entered the office and saw her shocked expression. "Jerry, come in and shut the door, will you? This works out well since I’ll only need to make this introduction once." After Jerry shut the door and the group gathered around Jax and the female stranger, Jax put his hand at the back of her waist, drawing her into their circle. "May I present Ms. Kimberly Forsythe, one of the most successful political strategists of this decade. She’s been the directing consultant on the campaigns of most of the people who currently run our country, not to mention our state." He turned to her. "Kimberly, this is my assistant, Angie Hsieh, and my brother’s assistant, V. Ardanowski." He smiled at Jerry. "I’m sure Jerry remembers you from the old neighborhood."

Jerry moved forward smoothly to take Kimberly’s hand. "Of course I do, Jax, but I think that Kim’s certainly grown a lot since I saw her." He glanced at Angie and V, who were still in shock. "Kim’s grandparents lived next door to Grandma Josie and Grandpa Jasper in Washington, D.C. We used to see her all the time when we went to visit Grandma and Grandpa. Then Kim went to Penn State a few years after Jax did."

Kimberly smiled and dropped Jerry’s hand like a hot potato. "That’s true, I did." She walked back over to stand closer to Jax, tossing her blonde mane as she turned to face him again. "But I never did believe in nicknames." She looked daggers at Jerry. "It’s Kimberly." Then she turned back to gaze fondly up at Jax as though the other people in the room had vanished from sight. "Now, can we get down to the business of figuring out how we’re going to get you elected?" She batted her eyes at Jax, grimaced at Jerry, and then gave Angie and V a look that would have made an iceberg seem toasty.

Jax laughed nervously. "That’s Kimberly – all business." He smiled at Angie and V. "Ladies, will you excuse us? I think Angie probably has some phone calls to return for me, anyway." As they were about to exit the office, Jax called them once more. "Oh, and just tell the reporters that I’ll meet with them shortly – hopefully no later than this afternoon." Angie nodded, gave Kimberly a frosty look of her own, and then followed V out of Jax’s office.

As soon as the door was shut, Kimberly let out a long sigh and put her hand on her hip in disgust. "Well, I can see that I showed up here not a moment too soon." As she turned to go get her briefcase from the corner of the office, Jax went to stand behind his desk, but not before shrugging his shoulders and giving Jerry a "Hell-if-I-know-why-she’s-here!" look. She returned to sit in one of the chairs in front of Jax’s desk, crossing her legs and reaching down to pull a legal pad out of her briefcase. "Let’s see – first order of business: get rid of that alphabet person." She was making notes as she spoke, but looked up at Jax and batted her eyes seriously. "I was SO glad to hear that she wasn’t YOUR assistant."

Jax sat down in his desk chair rather abruptly. "Get rid of V? Why?"

"Well, that should be fairly obvious, darling. She’s bumbling. She’s boorish. She’s certainly not attractive." She looked from Jerry to Jax, astonished at their surprised expressions. "I mean – I got into your office without any difficulty at all. That REEKS of incompetence."

Jax folded his hands on his desk. "Well, I’m sorry you feel that way, Kimberly, but I have no intention of getting rid of V. She’s been with me for a long time, and before Angie became my assistant, she did a great job for me. I don’t think Jerry has any complaints about the job she’s been doing for him." He looked to Jerry for reinforcements, and Jerry nodded enthusiastically. "V’s practically part of the family, for God’s sake. My dad would have a fit." He shook his head emphatically. "No, V definitely stays." He sat up straighter. "In fact, I don’t seem to recall us having a conversation where I agreed to retain you to work on my campaign."

Kimberly half-laughed, half-gasped. "Jasper! You can’t be serious!" She put her pen down on her pad dramatically. "How can you expect to mount a campaign for a major political seat with only these….." She gestured to the outside office and sputtered. "….Bohemians….working for you!? None of you have the faintest idea of how to win an election, do you?"

Jax rocked back in his chair, looking at Kimberly sharply. "No, but I also don’t have the faintest idea of how you managed to show up in my office this morning. I know I didn’t call you. I don’t think Jerry called you." He looked to Jerry, who shook his head in agreement. "So, who tipped you off that I would need a campaign director?"

Kimberly had to shut her open mouth deliberately. She stood slowly, removed her suit jacket, and then walked to stand behind the chair she had been sitting in. She leaned forward, and Jax swallowed hard as he feared that her ample bosom was about to land in the place that her derriere had occupied moments before. "Obviously, you have NO idea how involved I am in the politics of this state, do you Jasper?" She spoke in a low, breathy tone and smiled at him condescendingly. "I was asked to sit in on the first meeting that the party had after Representative Cunningham’s death. I knew that your name was being tossed around as the "golden candidate" even before Lea came to broach the subject with you. As soon as you even gave the faintest nod of your head to the offer, the party contacted me with a dossier on the district and your life since Penn State." She looked him deeply in the eyes. "I probably know how many fillings you had last year and the exact date that your namesake was conceived." She watched the shock register on Jax’s face with satisfaction.

She straightened up and came to sit in the chair again. "Lea probably filled your mind with glowing promises. I’m sure she told you that you would be a great candidate – no political past, a pretty face, a wonderful family man." She leaned forward, and Jerry leaned forward too, wondering just what was keeping her inside her blouse. "Well, Jasper, it’s not going to be that easy. Carly Roberts Morgan has two MAJOR parts of the electorate sewn up – the union vote, and the women’s vote."

Jerry shook his head to clear it. "The women’s vote? But I thought my Pretty Boy brother here was going to knock ‘em dead at the polls. Every woman in the district would be swarming to the ballot box, just to cast a vote for his ugly mug."

Kimberly straightened back up and Jax breathed a silent sigh of relief. {At least we won’t have fallout problems to deal with.} "It’s true that Jasper has an attractive appearance and that may draw SOME of the women’s vote. But another large portion of the female electorate will vote for Mrs. Morgan just because she’s another woman – right fist high in the air, and that kind of thing." She folded her hands in her lap and cleared her throat dramatically. "You’re a virtual political unknown. You have no idea how to field reporters’ questions at a press conference." She smiled again, like a cat who had cornered the canary. "You need me, Jasper. In fact, you can’t hope to win without me." She picked an imaginary piece of lint off of her skirt. "After all, they don’t call me "the kingmaker" for nothing."

Jerry snorted aloud. "Really, darling? And here I thought it was because you "made it" with every candidate you worked for in the past ten years," he said cynically.

Jax put his head in his hands and Kimberly looked like she wanted to strangle Jerry, but just then, the doors to Jax’s office burst open. Angie put her head inside, and she looked distraught. "Jax, you’d better get out here, RIGHT NOW!"

As Kimberly looked from Angie to Jax in amazement, he burst from behind his desk and was at the doors in three steps. Jerry was right behind him, and Kimberly followed, shaking her head all the way. As they reached the outer office area, they saw what had shaken Angie so badly.

Brenda was in the waiting area, surrounded by shouting reporters. They surrounded her like a pack of dogs, and she had the look of a frightened rabbit. She had her eyes closed, her arms wrapped tightly to her chest, as they bombarded her with questions.

"Mrs. Jacks, is it true your husband is just running in this campaign to get even with Sonny Corinthos?"

"Mrs. Jacks, hasn’t your husband already had threats from the mob that he or someone in your family would die if he wins the election?"

"Mrs. Jacks, isn’t it true that the biological father of your oldest child is really Sonny Corinthos and Mr. Jacks married you to cover it up?"

At this last question, Brenda’s face visibly blanched and Jax could see that she looked faint. His fists clenched and just as he was about to launch himself at the offending reporter, he felt a small hand on his arm, holding him back.

To his surprise, Kimberly swept past him, pushing him back towards Jerry. She sashayed over to the reporter who had asked the last question, and as soon as the reporters saw her, a hush fell in the room. She smiled at them as she walked, her hips keeping time with the clicking of her heels on the marble floor.

She got to the reporter and took him by the arm. Swinging her long blonde hair so that it cascaded over her right shoulder, she rubbed her hand up and down his arm. "Nathan Brockelman, since when did you start behaving like such a naughty boy when interviewing candidate’s wives?"

He looked surprised to see her. "Kimberly? Kimberly Forsythe? Are you working on the Jax campaign now?"

She ignored his question and kept hold of his arm, purring, "Well, that’s a very important question, Norman. Because you see, if I were, I would have to call Snookie Peterson – your editor-in-chief, you remember him don’t you? – and I would have to tell him that you’ve been acting like a complete jackass and harassing my candidate’s family." Her eyes narrowed and grew cold. "And then I’m just afraid that dear old Snookie would just have to pull your press credentials faster than you could say Pulitzer Prize." She rubbed her hand up and down his arm again. "Now, we don’t want that to happen, do we?"

Norman shook his head. "No, Kimberly. Of course not."

She looked pointedly at the assembly of reporters. "Good. Then we obviously all understand each other." She took Brenda by the arm, leading her out of their circle. They walked back over to where Jax stood, and when Brenda got close to him, he pulled her to his side sharply. Jax looked into Kimberly’s eyes, expressing a silent thank-you, and then turned to face the reporters.

"Gentlemen, Ms. Forsythe will be speaking with you all shortly and will let you know when my press conference will be. In the future, I would ask that you address your questions to my campaign director, and not me or my family." He led Brenda back inside his office, and they were followed by Jerry and Kimberly, who shut the doors gently.

Jax and Brenda were embracing when they heard Kimberly’s voice. "You won’t regret it, Jasper. You’ve made a wise decision."

Brenda pulled back from Jax, and she had the hint of tears in her eyes. He stroked her cheek lovingly with one finger, and then after placing a soft kiss on her lips, he turned her to face Kimberly. "I’m sorry, where are my manners? Sweetie, this is Kimberly Forsythe, my new campaign director. Kimberly, this is my wife, Brenda."

Kimberly stepped forward and shook Brenda’s hand, which was still trembling. "Thanks, Kim. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t rescued me out there," she said with a smile.

Jerry inhaled softly. {Poor Brenda. You don’t know what’s coming.}

"I’m pleased to meet you, Brenda. Don’t worry about it – it’s all part of my job." She gave Jax a foxy smile and then took his arm to lead him back to his desk. She looked back at Brenda as they went and threw her hair over her shoulder as she said, "Oh, and it’s Kimberly – never Kim."

A strange feeling washed over Brenda – as though she had been sent to the corner like she had when she was a child. "Now, Jasper," Kimberly purred in a soft voice, "let’s get started on that press release. And I’ll need to set up some appointments for you to get some publicity stills taken. And I think we need to do some quick rehearsing on answering pointless questions from the press…."

Brenda watched Kimberly walking with her husband, her hips swaying like the pendulum on some insane cuckoo clock. Jerry came up behind her and gently put his arm around her. "Are you OK, sis?"

As Brenda watched, Jax went to stand behind his desk, gazing intently at his calendar. Kimberly positioned herself beside him, not an inch of room between their bodies. Her ample breasts pressed against the side of his arm. Brenda saw him glance down at the place where she was touching him, and then saw his gaze travel to her face.

Jerry repeated his question, shaking Brenda slightly. "I’m not sure, Jerry," she answered in a soft, trembling voice. "At this point, I’m really not sure."


Across Port Charles, a man bought a copy of the weekend paper, noting the picture and article on the front page. "Local Business Tycoon Announces Political Candidacy at Anniversary Bash." Once he had walked around the corner from the news stand, he took the front page of the paper and tore it from the rest of the section. Stopping for a moment, he gazed at it hotly, and then crumpled it between his fists and threw it violently into the gutter.



To be continued……