
Chapter 16

"Mommy, pleeeeeeeease can’t Jon come in the wimmin’ pool with me?" Brooke Lynn stuck her lower lip out in a classic pout. "I pwomise I’ll watch him reeeeeeal good."

Lois shook her head and smiled at Brenda as the two women followed Brooke outside to her small inflatable wading pool. Brenda carried Jon, who had just awakened from a nap and was curious about his strange surroundings. "No, Brooke," Lois said gently, rubbing the top of her daughter’s head with affection. "I told you that your cousin is still too young to go in the pool with you, but I’m sure he and Aunt Brenda would love to watch you swim."

"Your mom’s right, Brooke," Brenda added gently. She crouched down to Brooke’s level, somehow managing to balance Jon in her arms. "Besides, Jon really doesn’t like the water yet. He still cries every time I give him a bath. But maybe if you show him how much fun you can have in the water, he’ll change his mind and then maybe next summer he can go swimming with you!"

Brooke’s lower lip receded a little and she almost smiled. "OK. I guess so." As she scampered towards the small pool, Lois extended her hand towards some nearby lawnchairs. The two women walked towards them and then sat down, with Lois keeping a wary eye on the now-happy-and-splashing Brooke Lynn.

"So," Lois said, reaching over to pat her nephew’s back lovingly. "How’s the little guy doin’ now?"

Brenda sighed. "Much better." She leaned back to look into his eyes that were wide with curiosity. "Who would have thought that he could get so miserable so quick -- and from his own mother’s milk, no less!"

Lois clucked her tongue and waved a hand at Brenda. "See, now -- I thought you would be feelin’ this way. That’s why I wanted to be sure to have you come over to my house today." She leaned forward after glancing at Brooke again. "Lotsa babies start out fine with nursin’ and then have to switch to formula. That’s no reflection on you, Brenda."

She picked at the fabric of her culottes. "I know, Lois, but I just feel like such a failure, you know?" She rubbed Jon’s back again. "I thought I would die when Dr. Kreusser told me it was the milk that was giving him those terrible tummy aches." She gave a rueful laugh. "Now I guess I’ll just have to settle for the awful smell that spit-up Similac with Iron leaves on his onesies!"

"I know, honey," Lois crooned. She patted Brenda’s knee. "And I’ll bet you miss those special times when you were nursin’ him, right?"

"I never thought I would feel that way, Lois," Brenda replied. "It was so amazing -- the connection we made -- like at night, when all the lights were out and it was just Jon and I staring into each other’s eyes." Despite her good intentions, tears started to form again in the corners of her eyes.

It just seemed like nothing had gone right after Jax left that night to go to Malibu. The following day, Jon had been cranky and had trouble sleeping. Brenda thought that maybe her own tension about Jax being gone was responsible for Jon’s anguish. But the following day, he refused to nurse at all, and when Brenda finally was able to coax him to take a little milk, he cried for a solid hour afterward.

Brenda was almost hysterical when she spoke with Dr. Kruesser on the telephone. The woman tried to calm Brenda’s fears but then agreed to meet her at the Emergency Room that evening. She gave Jon a thorough examination while Lois and Charles both tried to assure Brenda that it was nothing serious in the waiting room. When the doctor finally emerged and told Brenda that she thought it was just some kind of gastric intolerance to breastmilk, she wasn’t sure whether to be crushed or thankful.

The next day, Brenda switched Jon to formula and after some initial awful faces at the taste, she had to admit that he seemed happier. He slept soundly for the first time in days, and by that evening, he was draining bottles of the formula as quickly as Brenda could feed them to him. His smiles had returned and Brenda treasured them even more.

"Ya know, even though you’re not nursin’ him anymore, you can still have that closeness, Bren." Brenda was drawn back to the present as Brooke squealed and tried to splash a bunny who had wandered too close to the pool. Lois waved at her daughter and then turned back to Brenda. "I mean, you can sing to him and talk to him just as well while you’re givin’ him a bottle." She leaned forward again to speak softly. "I know I had to switch Brooke to formula after about four months, and I can’t say that I missed those leaky messes in my bras at all!"

Brenda laughed out loud. "That’s so true -- I know it’s going to be a lot more convenient."

Lois patted Brenda’s back again. "That’s the spirit." She stroked Jon’s fine hair lovingly. "This little guy’s got a lot of bottles ahead of him yet. You can still do all the bondin’ you want during those 2AM bottles. You’re still the one feedin’ him during the night, aren’t ‘ya?"

Brenda sighed. "I am for now -- especially with Jax gone."

Lois’s jaw dropped. "Wait a minute -- you mean Jax is *still* gone?"

Brenda nodded sadly. "Yeah -- I thought you knew -- especially after you and Charles took me to the ER the other night."

Lois gripped the arms of her lawn chair tightly. "I know that when you called, Jerry said you were alone since Jax went to Malibu to nail down that deal with Thao!" She crossed her arms with a glare. "How long can that take?"

"It’s not just the thing with Thao, Lois." Brenda wiped at the corner of her eyes with her knuckle. "Jax said he needed to get away for a while -- to think about us....." She cast her eyes downward. "......about the new me, and whether or not he thinks we still can have a future together." When she raised her eyes to meet Lois’s again, Brenda saw the hint of angry tears. "He told me he couldn’t do it with me around. I confuse him too much."

"I swear, I think sometimes WALKIN’ AND CHEWIN’ GUM AT THE SAME TIME confuses these Jacks men too much!!!" Lois rose from her chair and started to pace, muttering as she did. "This just ain’t gonna work at all. Without the new you around to remind him, Jax is goin’ to forget how different you are and think you’ll go back to the old ways." She stopped and crossed her arms again, looking off into the distance. "And I’m sure little Miss Hot Pants Miranda will only be too happy to remind him in case he *does* manage to forget."

"Excuse me?" Brenda shifted Jon down from her shoulder. Lois pushed his pumpkin seat closer to the lawn chair and Brenda settled him into it to happily watch a butterfly hovering around some flowers nearby.

Lois gave Jon her finger to grasp but her face was still deadly serious. "Right after you told Jax you were pregnant but didn’t want to get back together, he went to Malibu for a few days. The beach house next door is owned by a ......" Lois seemed to search for the appropriate word. "......woman......who always seemed to have designs on Jax for herself."

Realization dawned. "She was here, wasn’t she? The day we came home from the hospital? Out in the garden with him?"

Lois rose and walked to plop herself back into her lawnchair, nodding her head. "That’s her – Miranda. Miranda Jameson. She heard that you had .....well......." Lois looked self-conscious. ".......died.....during the delivery. She said she came to offer her support to Jax, but I think the only support that woman can think of is the one in her brassiere."

Brenda chewed on her lower lip. It was even worse than she had expected. She knew that Jax had been affected by their kiss good-bye, but the longer he stayed away, the more the sizzle would fizzle. And now with some sexy neighbor named Miranda trying to seduce him......

"Well, there’s just no other way." Lois seemed sure of herself as she gave Brenda a serious look. "You just gotta go to Malibu, that’s all."

"I can’t do that, Lois!" It was Brenda’s turn to rise from her chair and pace the patio. "Jax specifically told me that he needed time away to think. If I go there and push him too hard, I’ll only end up driving him away faster!"

"But ‘cha want him back, don’t ya?"

"Of course I do!!" Brenda didn’t realize she loved Jax quite so much until the prospect of losing him became such a viable possibility. She sank back into her lawn chair as Lois’s cell phone on the patio table started to ring.

Lois held up a finger and picked up the phone. "Hello. Jerry!" Lois widened her eyes and nodded towards Brenda. "Just the man I wanted to talk to!" She listened for a few minutes, her face drooping with disappointment. "Well, yeah -- you know I don’t like him bein’ there with the dragon lady so close by....." She frowned. "So it’s really takin’ that long? Whatsa matter with Thao?" Another few minutes of silence. "So your brother’s not really bein’ a jerk about this? How much longer will it take to get the FCC movin’ on it?" Lois sighed. "No......I know you can’t stand her either. I know."

Brenda looked down at Jon, who had fallen peacefully asleep in his pumpkin seat. She stroked his head lovingly, and then glanced over to make sure Brooke was still safe in her wading pool. Lois had been listening to Jerry for a long time when she sighed. "I know, honey. Well, just do what you can from the office to get those idiots in Washington movin’, OK?" She smiled, and then sat forward with excitement. "Oh, and Jerry -- I’m glad you called. Do you remember that little record label I showed you a few months ago that was in trouble? Well, they filed yesterday, so it’s official -- the label’s up for sale!"

Brenda saw the twinkle in Lois’s eye. {Boy, talk about your lousy timing. Not only am I missing the chance to get Jax back, but now I can’t talk him into persuading his stubborn brother to buy that label for Lois.} Then just as quickly, she saw the twinkle fade into anger. "But it’s not that much, Jerry......I would only need to borrow......" Jerry obviously cut Lois off as Brenda saw storm clouds gather on her face. "But....Jerry......but......" Lois sputtered a few more times and then Brenda saw her eyes widen as Jerry must have ended the call.

"DUMMIT!!" Lois pushed the "end" button on her phone and slammed it down onto the table. "Dummit, dummit, dummit!!!"

Brenda swallowed hard. "Excuse me?"

Lois turned to face Brenda, her hands on her hips, her arms akimbo like some angry goddess. "I take that back! Sometimes I think BREATHIN’ confuses these Jacks men too much!!" She started to pace in circles again. "There’s this *perfect* little record label -- not too big, not too small, one established hit performer signed, two signed artists with good potential, existing office and studio space....." Lois looked at Brenda. "It’s like it was made for me, ‘ya know? But just because I don’t have enough capital to swing the purchase price, Jerry won’t let me even *try* to negotiate with them."

Brenda had a sudden inspiration. "Just how much are they asking for the label, Lo?"

Lois named a figure in a tone that implied it was beyond infinity. Then she grimaced a little. "Although it probably would take more than that, since the studio facilities are kinda run down and need some of those new fancy digital thingies."

"So what’s your bottom line?" Lois named another figure, adding almost another 33%. Brenda got a sly smile as she leaned forward and pulled Lois to sit beside her. She held Lois’s hands in hers and looked her straight in the eye. "What would you say if I offered to give you the money?"

"You? Where would *you* get the money?"

"I was exploring in my closet the other day," Brenda smoothly explained. "You know.....looking at what clothes the old me had that I just couldn’t see the new me wearing? Anyway, I found one dress and the hemline felt funny, and I found that sh......the old me had some secret bank accounts." Lois inhaled sharply. "I guess sh.......I," Brenda amended, "......must have taken some of Jax’s pin money and played the stock market."

"And you’ve got enough to help me swing this deal?"

"More than enough." Brenda almost started to tear up as she saw Lois’s excitement. "But it comes with a catch."

"Uh-oh." Lois sat up straight, her face falling. "I knew this was too good to be true. What’s the catch?"

Brenda smiled broadly. "I want to do this with you. Be part of the business. Not just your banker."

Lois broke into an excited smile. "You mean it? You really want to do this with me? Like……partners?"

"I’ve been wondering what I would do with my time," Brenda replied, sitting back despondently in her chair. She played with a loose thread in her shirt. "I mean, when Jon wasn’t feeling well, I felt like I would lose my mind. But now that he’s better, and with Jax gone till God knows when....." She raised her eyes cautiously to meet Lois’s gaze. "......and my future with Jax hanging by a thread......well, I might need an independent source of income someday."

"Don’t talk that way, girlfriend!" Lois exclaimed, tightly grasping Brenda’s hand for emphasis. "Jax is gonna realize that the old you died for good that day and he’s a horse’s asp if he doesn’t get back together with you!" She turned towards Brooke, who was still splashing happily in her pool. "Brooke, honey -- time to get out. Mommy and Aunt Brenda have to go somewhere!"

Brenda caught Lois by the arm. "Just out of curiosity, by the way….." Lois nodded vacantly as she held out a towel and motioned for Brooke to hurry. "…..what’s with the "almost" swearing?"

Lois smiled and waved one hand as her dripping daughter came running up to her. "Oh, that! You probably think I lost my mind!" She rubbed Brooke’s body briskly as the little girl giggled. "That’s an old trick that Lady Jane taught me after Brookie was born. See, with little ones who seem to echo everythin’ they hear around, sometimes it’s better to just *almost* say a bad word than to really say it."

"Ohhhhh, I get it." Brenda laughed softly as she picked up Jon, who was still sleeping soundly in his pumpkin seat. "Like just change one letter so it’s close to the original word."

Lois gave Brenda a smile and a thumb’s up as Brooke tugged on her shorts. "Mommy, where are we goin’? I thought me and Jon were gonna get to wim all day!"

Lois took Brooke’s hand. "Not today, sweetie pie! Me and Aunt Brenda hafta go see a lawyer about buying a record company!"


Two days later, Lois lifted up her water glass to toast Brenda’s. "To us!"

Brenda held up her own glass to meet Lois’s. "To us, and to L&B Records!"

Lois surprised Brenda when her smile turned into a frown. "Ya know, though, I just still feel kinda guilty, puttin’ my name first when I couldn’t have done this without ‘ya."

Brenda patted her hand. "Now Lois, I told you at the lawyer’s office, I like it better as L&B." She took a sip of water. "Besides, you’re the one who knows the most about the recording business." She blushed a little and cast her eyes down into her lap. "I’m really just along for the ride."

"Don’t you bet on that, missy!" Lois’s exclamation was loud enough for heads to turn in the small restaurant. She realized her enthusiasm was a little overboard and toned her voice down. "I told you that I’m an absolute zero when it comes to paperwork and talkin’ on the telephone to important people." She lifted her glass again and leaned back in her chair. "I’ll be countin’ on you to do all that for me." She took one more sip before excitedly setting the glass down and reaching for a folder. "Which reminds me…..I think we need to send out some letters right away….." She pulled out a few sheets of paper. "… to the artists, and retailers who buy our CD’s. Let ‘em know that the label is under new ownership and we intend to make a go of it."

Brenda nodded, taking the lists from Lois. "That’ll be easy. Until we get some office space set up, I can use the computer in Jax’s office." She didn’t look up at Lois but sadness crept into her voice. "I mean, it’s not like he’s around to be using it."

Lois covered Brenda’s hand to stop her. "Any news on that front?"

Brenda shook her head, not looking up since she didn’t want Lois to see the tears in her eyes. "No. He called me the other night to make sure Jon was OK, but we didn’t talk long." She let out a long breath. "And he just kept saying how things were really complicated with the negotiations with Thao and were taking longer than he expected."

"Flit." Lois reclined in her chair, slapping the arms loudly with her hands as she did. "You’ve just got to go out there, Brenda. You can’t just give up and let Miranda take him without a fight."

Brenda finally looked up into Lois’s eyes. "I told you before, Lois….he doesn’t want me there. He says he has to figure this out all by himself." She looked down at the piece of paper and folded the corner back and forth nervously. "And it’s not like I’d have any other reason to go there."

Suddenly, Lois sat up straight and started waving her hands in excitement. "Holy cow! Holy cow!" She reached for some news clippings in the same L&B file and leafed through them rapidly as Brenda watched in confusion. Finally, she pulled one out and held it up in victory. "This is it, Brenda!"

Brenda took the news clipping. "This is what?"

Lois leaned towards the still-confused brunette. "Your reason for goin’ to Malibu." She sat back and folded her hands smugly. "There’s a new group that would be just perfect for L&B to sign named Mona, and they just *happen* to be performin’ for the next two weeks in a little bar near……."

The smile on Brenda’s face grew broader and broader as Lois let the statement trail. "…..and of course, it would only be right that we go there to check them out in person…..see what kind of stage presence they have…."

"……see how they sound live, instead of on tape….." Lois was nodding with an equal smile.

Brenda put the clipping down to reach for her glass of water again. She held it up in toast to Lois. "Well, gun of a snitch, Lois! We’re goin’ to Malibu!!"


You only see what your eyes want to see

How can life be what you want it to be

You’re frozen

When your heart’s not open…

It only took Brenda a day and a half to make all of the arrangements necessary to transport Jon, Robin and her to Malibu indefinitely. Robin had gladly agreed to accompany Brenda on the trip. Not only did she enjoy taking care of a happy baby like Jon, but she had gone to the Malibu house once when she was helping Lois with Brooke. The plush accommodations and beautiful scenery certainly weren’t difficult to live with.

Lois had decided that they should take two separate cars, particularly when she saw the mountain of baby equipment that Brenda brought along. She assured Brenda that the main house was more than large enough to hold all of them, privately resolving that if she saw a reconciliation taking place between Jax and Brenda, she would just move Brooke’s things and hers down the beach to the house she and Jerry owned.

After threatening Jerry that she would withhold sex for the balance of his natural life if he warned Jax of their arrival, Lois set out for the drive to Malibu with Brenda following. Brenda enjoyed some relaxed conversation with Robin along the way -–she was realizing more and more each day how much she had missed in her life as Brenda Barrett without true friends. Lois drove in the lead and it wasn’t long before they turned off the main highway.

The private driveway wound round palm trees and lush gardens until it ended in front of a mansion that was at least half windows. Brenda sat with her mouth dropping open for a few minutes, just staring at what Jax had referred to as "a beach house." The white brick walls gleamed in the bright sunshine, and tropical flowers of every color flourished outside most of the windows. As she got out of the car, she could smell the salt of the ocean spray and hear the waves crashing on the beach just beyond the house.

Brenda’s attention was diverted as Lois let out a yelp and went running towards a tall, dark-skinned man who had emerged from the house. His white coat and dark trousers gave Brenda a clue that he must have been some kind of butler or house servant here. Brooke beat her in the footrace and the man scooped her up into his arms with a musical laugh. "Ahhhh……Miss Brooke!" Brooke giggled loudly as he tickled her ribcage, but then he feigned a stern look. "Did I give you permission to grow into a beautiful young lady before I saw you again?"

Lois came up behind them and gave the man an enthusiastic kiss on the cheek. "Her father tried to register her for the convent the other day, but they’re makin’ him wait until she’s at least 6." The man set Brooke down and turned to Lois, opening his arms to hug her. "How’s things goin’, Thomas?"

The man pulled away and sighed with a smile. "Much better now that you are here, Mrs. Lois." He and Lois conversed quietly for a few minutes as Brenda took Jon out of his carseat and put him to her shoulder. Brenda walked up quietly towards the twosome but just as she was about to make her presence known, Lois leaned around Thomas and caught sight of her daughter disappearing around the corner.

"Brooke Lynn Jacks, where do you think you’re goin’?" She held up a finger to the man and then raced in the direction where she had last seen the toddler. "You know you’re not supposed to go near the beach without a grown-up!"

Brenda was left standing awkwardly with the friendly-looking man. He turned to her and she saw his eyes flare just for a second. Then, he walked up to her and extended a hand. "Hello. I don’t think we’ve met. My name is Thomas."

Thomas’s hand was warm and firm as Brenda took it with her own. Somehow, just with that gesture, he gave her the feeling that everything was going to be OK. She returned his gracious smile. "Hi. I’m Brenda Bar…….Jacks…….Jax’s wife. It’s very nice to meet you." She shifted Jon on her shoulder as he started to whimper. "And this little guy is Jax’s son, Jonathan Jasper Jacks."

Thomas smiled broadly as he took the infant from Brenda. When he held him in front of him, the baby seemed to rouse and crystal blue eyes met dark brown/black ones. To Brenda’s surprise, Jon smiled, and then a small, quiet chuckle gurgled in his chest.

"Mister Jonathan," Thomas breathed reverently. "Now I can see why your father has had such a hole in his heart." He cradled the baby to his chest and ran a finger down the side of his cheek. "You are the very image of Jax as a boy. You will bring much love and happiness to this family." He leaned down and pressed a kiss to Jon’s forehead, and the baby crowed softly again.

"You have quite a way with him," Brenda murmured. "Did it really seem like Jax missed him?"

Thomas chuckled and handed the baby back to Brenda. "I have felt more like a zookeeper around here the past few days than a houseman." He smiled warmly at Brenda and leaned towards her until their foreheads almost touched. "Although I’m sure that it wasn’t only his son that he’s been missing."

Brenda felt a shiver of happiness race down her spine. Just as she was about to try to question Thomas further, one of the other butlers gave a shout and dropped a large suitcase. Thomas spun around in fury. "Be careful! Those aren’t crates of potatoes you’re unloading!" He stomped off to supervise the unloading of both cars as Lois returned with Brooke’s hand firmly clasped in hers.

"Sorry about that." She gave Brooke a firm stare and then smiled at Brenda. "It seems that every year when we come here, we need to have a little mother/daughter talk about going down to the beach alone."

"That’s OK." Brenda shifted Jon to her other shoulder as he continued to stare at his surroundings. "Jon and I were just getting acquainted with Thomas -–over there." Brenda nodded towards where he was still angrily ordering his staff around as they took suitcases out of the cars. "He seems like a very nice man. Jon adores him already!"

Lois nodded and linked her arm through Brenda’s, pulling her towards the front door of the house. "Yep. Thomas is the best. He seems to have some kind of magical way with kids." She leaned towards Brenda. "I think Brooke thinks he’s the same age she is, just much taller!"

But Brenda didn’t hear the rest of Lois’s rave reviews of Thomas. She put her hand on Lois’s arm to stop her. "But I thought…….isn’t Thomas new to the staff?"

"Nooooo, he’s been around for years," Lois drawled. "Ever since I can remember, in fact. Even before Brooke was born."

{Then if he’s been with the family for years, why did he introduce himself to me? How did he know that I wouldn’t know who he was? Unless maybe Jax mentioned that I had amnesia….} Brenda tried to glance casually down at the floor. "He seems so ……" She shrugged her shoulders, trying to find an accurate word. "……exotic, maybe? Is he from the islands?……Jamaican or something?"

Lois laughed softly. "Well, he’s not from Queens, that’s for sure." She leaned closer as Thomas herded the servants with the last of the luggage into the foyer. "Jerry told me that he was from the Outback… Australia. He’s got Aborigine blood."

Brenda nodded but then Lois’s attention was diverted again as Brooke pulled loose and went chasing off in another direction. "Brooke Lynn, if you head for the back door, you’re in big trouble, young lady!!!" Brenda chuckled at her mischievous niece, but then when she caught sight of Thomas out of the corner of her eye, she turned to him.

"I’m sorry, Mrs. Brenda." He bowed to her formally at the waist, reminding her of Charles. "Sometimes these young bucks make good gardeners but have no idea how to handle themselves in proper company. I’ll make sure that your luggage wasn’t damaged before I have it put in your rooms."

"Thomas……" Brenda caught him by the arm as he turned to leave. "How did you know……I mean, before, when you introduced yourself to me….." Thomas smiled and stared down at the floor as Brenda stammered. "……did Jax tell you about what happened……when I was in labor with Jon……"

"Mr. Jax did mention your …..death……during the delivery, Mrs. Brenda." Thomas’s look caused Brenda to catch her breath. "But I could tell just by looking at you that part of you *did* die that day." Brenda’s hands began to tremble and Thomas patted her arm affectionately. "You are a different Mrs. Brenda than the one that was here before."

Brenda’s free hand flew to her face. "But I look the same….I mean……" She swallowed hard. "How can you tell….just by looking?"

Thomas extended his hands towards Jon, who came willingly to the mysterious, swarthy man. He started to walk towards the interior of the house, rubbing the baby’s back as Brenda walked next to him. "My Aborigine ancestors believe that every person has a certain spirit that radiates out from them and surrounds them ……. A cloud of light, if you will, that comes from within." He stopped and turned so that Jon could see out the windows to the expanse of ocean. "You are a very warm, very rich pink, Mrs. Brenda."

"And sh…..I…..wasn’t a "pink" before?"

Thomas laughed softly. "Mrs. *Jacks*," he emphasized, "she was a dark blue -- almost a black." The beautiful smile left his face. "Cold -- without love -- without feeling."

Jon whimpered and Brenda shivered as she snapped out of the spell Thomas had woven with her words. "Well, it sounds like Jon is anxious to go out there and see this ocean thing in person!" She tried to put on a light, jovial smile but Thomas’s words still haunted her. Could he see more than what he told her? Down to her soul? And know that she *wasn’t* the same Mrs. Jacks? She chewed on her lower lip as she took Jon from his arms. {Will Thomas believe me if I tell him what happened that day in ...... wherever I was?}

Thomas just bowed at the waist to her again and Brenda turned to leave the room. She stopped at the door to turn back to him. "Thomas -- have you seen Mr. Jacks lately?"

"He and Mr. Thao are working on the lanai by the pool, Mrs. Brenda." Thomas’s face returned to the same mask of cordiality that he wore when she and Lois drove up. "I’m sure he would be most happy to see you -- both of you."

Brenda sighed but then held Jon up in her arms and cooed at him. "Well then, my baby -- are you ready to go surprise daddy with me?"

Brenda turned to leave the room again but Thomas cleared his throat loudly and stopped her. "Uh --- Mrs. Brenda." She froze and turned back to face him. "Go back to the front door and then follow the path that’s to the left of the driveway. When it forks, take the walkway to the right. There are some concrete stairs that will lead directly to the lanai."

Brenda blinked and took a shaky breath. {How did he know I wouldn’t know where the heck I’d be going?} "Thanks again, Thomas. I appreciate the help."

"No problem, Mrs. Brenda. I just thought that you might want to know the way -- since you’ve never been here before."

Thomas’s words echoed after her as Brenda went back to the front door. She cast her eyes skyward as she went through the door into the brilliant sunlight again. {Did You hear me after all? Did You bring me here so Thomas could help me?}

Brenda followed Thomas’s directions and sure enough -- she came to some concrete stairs. When she came to the top of them, she caught her breath at the view. The ocean stretched out in front of her -- a broad expanse of blue broken only by an occasional low-flying bird or gentle breaker. White sand led up from the water and not far from the beach, she saw a beautifully landscaped deck.

As she came nearer, she could hear Jax’s husky laugh and another low voice, which she assumed was Thao. She couldn’t see their faces yet, but as she was about to open the gate in the privacy fence that surrounded the lanai, she heard a high-pitched laugh – and a woman’s voice.

"Stop, Jax! I swear if you tell one more knock-knock joke, I’ll split!"

Brenda left the gate open as she noiselessly approached the wrought iron table and chairs that Jax, Thao, and the brunette occupied. Papers were spread all over the table, but they were all drinking tall glasses of what appeared to be iced tea. The brunette had her hand on Jax’s arm, and when she stood up to refill her glass, she giggled again. As her breast wantonly pressed against Jax’s shoulder, Brenda’s temper hit the boiling point.

"Well, we couldn’t very well have that happen, could we?" Brenda asked pointedly. Three heads snapped around as they realized they were no longer alone.

Jax blinked rapidly as his jaw dropped open. "Brenda?" he said softly.

Brenda saw the color leave Miranda’s face, but then decided it was better to get to know her opponent before obliterating her. So, she gave Jax the sweetest smile she could muster and shifted Jon a little higher in her arms. As Jax continued to look at her in shock, Brenda shook her curls and gave an Oscar-worthy performance.

"Hi, honey!" she cooed. "I’m home!"

Mmm….. if I could melt your heart

Mmm….. we’d never be apart

Mmm….. give yourself to me

Mmm… hold the key


To be continued.......

Music credit: "Frozen," written by Madonna and Patrick Leonard, from the CD, "Ray of Light"